
European Creative Rooftop Network

Faro, Portugal
03 & 04 October 2024


Faro will host the ERCN - European Creative Rooftop Network – Congress on October 3rd and 4th, 2024.


The event, will take place in  Fábrica da Cerveja and will bring together experts from various fields and different nationalities. Architects, researchers, urban planning consultants, economists, municipal decision-makers, and artists who will share ideas with the audience.

The Congress is the culmination of a four-year Creative Europe project, funded by the European Union, that brings together nine European partners. With Europe's urban sustainability as its main theme, the ECRN challenges us to recognize the potential of our cities rooftops and to envision a greener future with a higher quality of life.

Rooftops are an untapped resource, waiting to be truly utilised in the search for urban sustainability in Europe. Cities are poised to confront unprecedented climate-based and social challenges in the coming decades. To overcome these, despite varying local contexts, every city possesses expansive, unused space covering multiple square kilometres. Space that boasts unique and valuable properties which can prove essential in shaping the future of urban life. This space can be found on flat rooftops of the city, collectively known as the “roofscape”. The European Creative Rooftop Network (ECRN) aims to unlock its potential by harnessing the imagination and creativity of cities and their residents to leverage rooftop space effectively.

In this congress will be presented various and inspiring initiatives from around the world where city rooftops are being brought to life and transforming the landscape. The event also aims to strengthen European collaboration and challenge citizens to collectively envision the urban space.

The programme of the encounter comprises four components. (read more below).

Part 1.

A New Vantage Point – How Rooftops Impact our Vision of Urban Futures 

The possibilities in adding a second layer to the city are limitless, but we need to bring the potential into focus to make it attainable. In this section, with the collaboration of experts in urban planning and policies, we exchange about different ways of envisioning the potential of rooftop use.


Part 2.

Rooftop Trailblazers – Pioneering Multifunctional Rooftops and Urban Sustainability 

More than any other resource determined people are key in transforming mostly empty rooftops into indispensable urban spaces. This congress segment delves into practical experiences, sharing insights in piloting and pioneering multifunctional rooftop utilisation. We will exchange about the challenges of cross-sectoral collaboration, identify the different actors in rooftop use, and dive into the political dimension of enacting change. Presentations will showcase innovative approaches, such as transforming the iconic zinc rooftops of Paris into green spaces, appreciating the significance of community-based rooftop farming in the city of Antwerp, and how queer communities seized the opportunity to claim a space of their own on the rooftop of a national gallery in Nicosia.


Part 3.

Cultural Currency – Valuing the Social and Artistic Dimension of Rooftop Use  

In the third segment of the congress, we investigate further how cultural and artistic endeavours elevate rooftop use, embracing values beyond the practical and monetary dimension. Among others, we will explore the experiences of the esteemed artist Larsen Bervoets who, collaborating with local communities, painted over 5,000 m2 of rooftop surface in six different countries in 2023.


Part 4.

Achieving New Heights – The European Collaboration

Working together across borders presents unique challenges and opportunities. In this section, we explore the potential for increased international cooperation and navigate the intercultural boundaries to be overcome. Experts, citizens, and municipal leaders can come together to think about sustainability and the future of European cities.





Professor in Harvard University | Senior Advisor to the OECD | Expert in Economy of Culture 



Co-Founder at Roofscapes | MIT Architecture | MIT Center for Real Estate



Mayor Municipality of Porto  | Degree in Business Management - University of Greenwich


Welcome Reception - On the 2nd of October 2024 - SEE MORE 

Day 1 - On the 3rd of October 2024 - SEE MORE

Day 2 - On the 4th of October 2024 - SEE MORE

Full Programme - SEE MORE

What else is there to see?

During the Congress, participants will also be able to enjoy an exhibition showcasing the most significant phases of the ERCN - European Creative Rooftop Network, participate in guided tours of Faro's rooftops, and enjoy cultural moments in some of the best settings in the city.

How to participate?

IMPORTANT NOTE: The congress will be held entirely in English.

Participation in the congress is free but subject to prior registration and limited to the number of places available. Register using the form indicated on this page.

The full congress schedule and the speakers will be made available soon.

Registration for the congress gives you the right to access the sessions you register for as well as lunch and coffee breaks on the 3rd and 4th of October.

On both days, October 3rd and 4th, there will be cultural moments with music and networking from 7pm.


Faro will host the ERCN - European Creative Rooftop Network – Congress on October 3rd and 4th, 2024.


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